A crown can be one of the most excellent tools in the toolbox of any dentist in Houston, Texas. Crowns are naturally reserved for teeth that have experienced substantial damage or decay. A crown is among the most durable, reliable, and attractive forms of dental repair once correctly installed.
A crown would not be placed on a tooth if that tooth were not already in some way damaged. However, once the crown is in place, it should comprehensively arrest further decay and degradation of the tooth. Once the crown has been fixed on the tooth, assuming that the person receiving the crown has no other underlying problems and maintains good dental hygiene through regular brushing and flossing, it is not unusual for a crown to last for decades. A crown that lasts ten or even twenty years is relatively common in dental circles, and some last a lifetime.
If all those factors are properly accounted for, it is not unreasonable to hope that a crown will last well into old age. Dr. Monti Harpalani of Houston. Texas has years of experience in the installation and maintenance of dental crowns. The thriving practice of Vivid Dental affords him countless opportunities to observe the real effects of his dental work, both on current patients and on people who have come to his office for the first time. Dr. Harpalani has a wide array of options available for Houston residents seeking a professional dental crown replacement. Call Vivid Dental today at 281-809-4902 to schedule your appointment.