Dr. Monti Harpalani and his welcoming staff at Vivid Dental in Houston, TX are here to set your minds at ease regarding general dental care and extraction.
Dental care is not meant to scare you and extractions are not meant to cause pain. Instead, dental extractions are used to solve a number of oral health problems. Extractions help maintain the overall wellness of the patient’s mouth and avoid additional issues.
Dental extractions are performed when necessary to maintain the health of a patient’s gums, surrounding teeth, and mouth.
Dentists work with patients to help them maintain healthy mouths and smiles. This includes a dental routine at home, as well as consistent visits to the dentist’s office. By following through with routine exams, dentists can address problems early. This way, if issues do arise or extractions are necessary, the patient has the comfort of knowing he or she is in safe hands with a familiar dental team.
Dr. Harpalani and his staff at Vivid Dental Family and Cosmetic Dentistry are eager to serve your dental needs. If you or a loved one needs oral care, don’t hesitate to contact our office today at 281-809-4902.